
30424 – Another day at sea

Another day at sea! The sun is shining and we are making great progress in getting to Cuba. Unfortunately half of our population is stuck to the confines of their…

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15.02.2024 – About Valentine´s Day

I hope everyone had a valentine’s day filled with love. Weather it’s love from your family, children or friends across the sea’s…

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14.02.2024 – Whales were spotted!

WHALES WERE SPOTTED! The humpback whales of the Atlantic are in mating season! Some lucky floaties even witnessed them breach…

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13.02.2024 – Preparing for the leave to Cuba

Yesterday was our last day of shore leave in Dominican Republic. Floaties either took a short taxi ride to the city of Samana and stocked up on snack…

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12.02.2024 – Enjoying Dominica

In the quiet charm of El Café, we kicked off the day with a wholesome Dominican breakfast—eggs, fried veggies, fresh fruit, and tamarind juice…

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05.02.2024 – Everyone is looking forward

It is February 4th 2024, students are falling in to their normal everyday class routine. Talks about home stay gifts and the arrival to the Dominican Republic is todays topic…

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03.02.2014 – our last day in Dominica

Yesterday was our last day in Dominica as we left around 9pm last night. The day began for many students around 6:30 for one last sunrise swim just off the…

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28.01.2024 – A very sunny and equally productive day in Barbados!

On Saturday 27 january 2024 watches 2,4 and 6 climbed the rigs to foil the sails. Our new crew did a splendid job and it is hard to believe they…

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