
30824 – The channel in sight

Our floaties woke up to a wonderful sunny day after a night of choppy seas at up to 10 knots speed. Classes resumed after a winderful shore leave and port…

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30824 – Our last voyage

Some people were crazy enough to wake up early and go on a morning run. Others chose the more reasonable path and slept in – but either way, we all…

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30824 – A day in Paris

Having been in St. Malo for a couple days it was a nice change to see the country a bit more. Of course we got a coffee and pastry to…

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30824 – Rapunzels inspiration

This epic day started with a crispy cold colours where we were told how to prepare for the day ahead. Even if some people weren’t too excited to hike bare…

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30724 – Firm grounds beneath our feet – finally!

Today we were finally allowed off the ship and into the city after a tough and draining crossing. Floaties were in high spirits as they explored the beautiful historical port…

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30724 – Welcome to St. Malo

The floaties had a wonderful arrival day today. We woke up with a view of continental land for the first time in months. By 10am floaties were either on deck…

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30724 – Shore leave ahead

Yesterday, there was something in the air—a sense of joy as we approached the port of St. Malo after a grueling 8 days at sea. Finally, some rest. Unfortunately, we…

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30724 – Happy Easter

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Friends, Thank you for continuing to follow our journey. On the 30th, students continued their academic studies while we motored closer to St. Malo. As the…

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30724 – Routine at sea

Another day on the Alex II comes and goes and St. Malo grows ever closer.  Our sail has been relatively uneventful heresofar, and the usual monotonous routine has kicked in.  The only…

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30724 – Rocking and rolling

An eventful day on the ship yesterday as we were asked to stay on our guard and keep one hand for the ship and one hand for ourselves. The waves…

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