Yesterday saw the heist of the year perpetrated by none other than Brychan and his Oceans 11 class. The whole class devised an elaborate scheme to steal a high-value item…
After a quiet New Year’s day, we floaties got right back into sailing with the resumption of the standing watches. Watch 6 was first up at 18:00, setting seven sails…
It was another memorable night aboard the Alex. After a full day of class, the Stamm crew dropped surprise after surprise on the floaties. First, the officers and deck…
Yesterday was a great day: we set off on our jungle adventure with our full complement of 48 floaties – wecome back, Airi! Our first stop was of course a…
This holiday just keeps on giving. There were two major events from yesterday to share: first, nine people attempted our Ordinary Seaman (OS) exams yesterday. After two hours under the…
Happy holidays, merry Christmas, and happy Hanukkah! Last night the DSST crew served us a lovely festive dinner in a transformed mess. Between courses, we floaties provided some highbrow entertainment…
It’s our last full day of class before the holidays! A number of floaties are studying very diligently to prep for their Ordinary Seaman exam, which is scheduled for the…