Ein kurzer bisheriger Reisebericht! Die Anreise am 18.01.2022 gestaltete sich, aufgrund der rechtzeitigen Anreise, sehr entspannt. Die AtmosphĂ€re mit den Class Afloat Trainees ist eine andere, da wir uns…
The cooks have begun cooking lessons and last night Jo and Annika cooked up some delicious poutine (German style). Others that signed up will begin working through the rotation. …
Good morning! Sasha and Sophie here reporting directly from the Carribean Sea. Yesterday we celebrated our crew with deck showers and lots of whipped cream to accompany our crew during…
Good morning! Yesterday in Sociology of Community we we started to examine out service learning project in Dominican Republic taking on a critical examination of volunteering. Last night on watch some of us…
Good morning everyone! Hi Naomi, Hi Mom!! LOG KEEPER: David Caissey DATE: 29 JANUARY 2022 TIME: 0800 HRS (UTS 00:00-4) SEA STATE: 2 WINDFORCE: 3-4 East WEATHER: 25°C cloudy LATITUDE:…
Good morning everyone! Today is another warm day on the water! Our longer day watches have been an opportunity for more sail training. Yesterday during 1600- 2000 watch we reviewed…
Törnbericht Spezial Haariges c/o Frisiersalon âZur flotten Flunderâ Mist, nun kommÂŽ ich doch nicht drum herum!  Ich wurde gebeten, ĂŒber gewisse âUntergrundaktivitĂ€tenâ an Bord zu berichten: Als wir seinerzeit, anno…
We are sailing strong southbound, having fun doing sail training and standing 4 hour watches until further notice. LOG KEEPER: Connor Teskey DATE: 27 JANUARY 2022 TIME: 0800 HRS (UTS…
Hello to mom and Naomi! After significant rest and fun in barbados, we are now underway to Portsmouth, Dominica. Itâs the first leg of the voyage with new floaties and…