
30424 – Cuban Adventures

Daily update:

  • Time: 8:00am
  • Date: Tuesday February 20th
  • Longitude: 75 degrees 37 minutes west
  • Latitude: 19 degrees 35 minutes north
  • Average speed in the last 24 hours: walking on foot or as fast a a taxi will go
  • Distance in the last 24 hours: probably about 5km average (walking in port)
  • Total distance this voyage: 8524nm
  • Temperature: 24 degrees
  • Sea state: calm (in port)
  • Wind: light
  • Sailing status (in port)
  • Log keeper: Hennie


Floaties had a full shore leave day to explore the city and spend their Pesos. Though the weather was not as nice as we would have hoped for, many floaties took the day to drink café bonbons (coffee with Dulce de Leche), send postcards and buy souvenirs. Two groups of floaties took some classic cars up to the Castillo del Morro to tour the old fortress and play a game of hide and seek in the ruins. Olivia won the game by rolling up into a ball on the ledge of the tower, it took us half an hour to find her.

Other floaties organised Salsa dance classes and moved till their hips didn’t lie! 

The infamous red Sugar Daddy taxi was also spotted!!! It has transported many floaties and faculty over the days on our various Cuban adventures.