
30524 – A day ashore

Daily update:


  • Time: 8:00am
  • Date: Wednesday February 21st
  • Longitude: 75 degrees 37 minutes west
  • Latitude: 19 degrees 35 minutes north
  • Average speed in the last 24 hours: walking on foot or as fast a a taxi will go
  • Distance in the last 24 hours: probably about 5km average (walking in port)
  • Total distance this voyage: 8524nm
  • Temperature: 24 degrees
  • Sea state: calm (in port)
  • Wind: light
  • Sailing status (in port, leaving today)
  • Log keeper: Laura


The day started with a morning of shore leave for the floaties. Many used the morning exploring the city before we all met at the museum of film. There we were given a tour of vintage cameras with the local art students while some watched interesting film projects made by people in the city. The floaties had another couple hours in the afternoon before meeting at the Santiago house of tradition for a pig roast, dancing and live music to end the night.