
329.22 – 31.07.2022 – lost in time & space

Törn: 329.22

Datum: 31.07.2022

Mittagsposition: 56 Grad 56 min Nord, 007 Grad 06 min Ost

Das Wetter: grey to mousegrey the sky, no rain – grey to bluegrey the sea, light waves


Daily routine has set in, same as yesterday changing watches are trimming sails adapting to changing wind – we´re making nice progress, despite seeing no one around us captain Bärbel´s various skills let us climb in the ranking.

Progress can be seen in the trainee´s skills to (at least sometimes) get to the asked position in acceptable time – there are just soooo many ropes to choose from and all have special names and the deck can be slippery when wet, not only in the dark.

There is also progress in building relationships as we keep sharing food, fun and frustration – all of us away from home and away from phone – no news is good news so right now life is really good.