
30423 – 03.03.2023 – today the sea was very calm

Today was the first day in the last 2 weeks where we could walk in a straight line without getting thrown into a wall. The sea was very calm and it made for great classroom work and overall a more energetic people. In the night the wind died down and we switched to motor where most the watches enjoyed a nice relaxing night watch. Yesterday it was Rafferty’s birthday… here’s some photos of her smiling and being soaked!



Time 8:00

Date: 03/03/2023

Latitude 33 north

Longitude  34 west

Average speed in the last 24 hours: 5.9 knots

Distance this voyage: 10142

Distance in the last 24 hours: 139 Nautical miles

Total distance to destination: 380 Nautical miles

Temperature: 18

Wind state: f4

Sea state: f5

Sailing status: 5 sails up

Logkepper: Sophia