
27.11.2023 – The first sounds of Christmas songs

Getting back into a routine is never easy, but the 26th of November was all about that. As some people were hidden in their cabins, resting up from all the marvellous adventures they had in Madeira, the first sounds of Christmas songs could be heard echoing in the hallways. Some even went as far as taking out the Santa Claus costume! The engine was turned on halfway through the day as the the Canary Islands were first sighted. As always, the day was ended with a magnificent sunset and a lucky few people got to see dolphins cruising on the sunset as the last rays of sun disappeared into the horizon. -Mirka

Nov 27, 2023, 8am

Latitude: 28 degrees 43.45 min N

Longitude: 15 degrees 13.14 min W

Average speed last 24h: 3.5 kn

Distance last 24h: 155.2 nautical miles

Total distance travelled: 274.2 nautical miles

Total distance to destination: 921.8 nautical miles

Temperature: 22C

Sea state: 3

Wind state: 3

Sailing status: on engine

Log keeper: Valerie

Wind Force 3