
26.11.2023 – What a gorgeous day to set sail today!

26 of November, 2023

Latitude: 31 degrees 02.33 minutes N

Longitude: 16 degrees 18.73 minutes W

Average speed last 24h: 4 kn

Distance last 24h: 119 nautical miles

Total distance travelled: 119 nautical miles

Total distance to destination: 1077 nautical miles

Temperature: 17c

Sea state: F2

Wind state: F3

Sailing status: 11 sails up

Log keeper: Valerie

What a gorgeous day to set sail today! It was our last morning in Madeira, and while it was so hard to say good bye to our loving families (and the abundance of good food and times in port), the floatie crew was ready to do what we came here for! With last hugs and excitement for reunions in Barbados, we departed about 11.00 and promptly jumped into watches and classes for the day. There were perfect winds to carry us along for the day and everyone enjoyed getting up into the rigging with the expert guidance of our new maritime crew. We have also already begun looking ahead to what we might do upon arrival in Cabo Verde. Toasties and tuna pasta rounded out our day in the mess. Families we miss you already and can’t wait to see you again soon!

Photos: setting the sails and your faculty crew ready for another amazing sail with the floaties!