
25.11.2023 – The last full day in the port

Day:  Nov 25 2023

Time: 8 o’clock 

Temperature: 13 Celsius

Sea state: 1

Wind: 2

Lattitude: 32 degrees 38 minutes North

Longitude: 16 degrees 54 minutes West

Avg Speed in the last 24 hours: 0

Distance in the last 24 hours: 0

Total distance travelled: 0

Total distance to destination: 1900 km

Sailing status: N/A

Log keeper(s): Esabella

Yesterday was the last full day we were in port, and filled with fun. Whether it was spending the last day hiking paths on the island and experiencing Madeira’s multi-climate weather, or eating dinner with friends, every student used their last day well.

Those who attended the hike (students, faculty, and parents) hopped on a bus promptly at 9, for an hour bus ride to the location of the hike. On the bus m, many saw the sights being presented during the drive (while others might have slept). Many students described the hike as insightful and refreshing for a change from our typical view of the ocean. The group learned of how Madeira only uses 30% of their water. 

Photos of our waterfall hike and painted Alex-2 sign on the quayside!


Other students went out on their own individual excursions, either taking the gondola, gathering snacks for the upcoming trip, or visiting parents one-on-one for the day. Snacks were found as a desperate need since the storm to keep one sane.

To celebrate many student also went out to dinner, as it was the last on to be had on land for a while. We can’t wait for our next adventure!