First day with all of us on the boat! The day started with a wake up morning song and a wonderful pancake breakfast. Fallowing that the first colours of the semester ran by me, Nick. Chores were discussed, shore level rules and more. After that some people cleaned while others packed sails. At 12 pm lunch was fresh French bread and seafood soup. Delicious. After lunch we got to unpack some more and make our bunks feel cozy. Then it was shore leave!!!! People chilled on the beach, surfed, shopped and ate scrumptious food. Through our the day the weather was hot and sunny but with random rain bursts. The rain was so power full it soaked you in seconds. Luckily the sun dried you up quickly. When back on the boat floats showered, ate more snacks, said bye to stem crew and played cards. But most of all got ready for bed, in prep for another good day.  
date: Wednesday January 25th 2024
time: 8:00 am
latitude 12.959
longitude -59.628
total distance travelled 6914.3 nm
temp 19
sea state in port
wind state 2
sailing status harbour/port
log-keeper Nick