
08.11.2021 – Good Morning, Everyone!

Time: 0800 hrs UTC

Date: 8-11-2021

Latitude: 50° 27’North

Longitude: 0° 29’ West

Average Speed Last 24-hours: 9 Knots

Distance in Last 24-hours: 172 nm

Total Distance Travelled This Voyage: 706 nm

Total Distance to Destination: 1310 nm

Temperature: 12°C

Sea State: 2

Wind: 3

Sailing Status: Under Matilda (the new engine) and 3 Sails


Good Morning, Everyone!

We are currently sailing in the English Channel and today the weather is really nice, and the sea is calm. We have just changed time zones and have been sailing for two days now with our new maritime crew members. The sail to Madeira has been really fun, especially with the big waves we have had. Unfortunately, a lot of people are still seasick. Despite that, happiness and laughter are never lacking.