
07.11.2021 – Good morning from the English channel!

Time: 0800 hrs UTC

Date: 7-11-2021

Latitude: 52° 04′ North

Longitude: 3° 15′ East

Average Speed Last 24-hours: 2.4 Knots

Distance in Last 24-hours: 40 nm

Total Distance Travelled This Voyage: 525 nm

Total Distance to Destination: 1,562 nm

Temperature: 11°C

Sea State: 4

Wind: Force 6, Gusts of 7

Sailing Status: Under Matilda (the new engine)

Log Keeper: Jamie Bell


Good morning from the English channel!

We have set sail and we will be expecting rough weather for the next couple of days. We have parted with our old crew and we are expecting new friendships along our adventure. This first sail with a final destination of Madeira has been going well with the help of our amazing maritime crew.