As the sun is slowly setting on the first semester, every floatie is working very hard on exams and enjoying the last opportunities to sail with their friends before going home. The morning was slow and calm, we were blessed by a wonderful breakfast from our new cooks: French toasts and the chef’s classic bread buns! It definitely gave us the fuel to start the day strong before exams in the afternoon. Today, some had a math exam, others an ocean test and the Acadia students had a sociology exam, students were doing some fine tuning of their learnings for most of the morning. The exams took place in the afternoon, and while some were loosing some brain cells in maths, oceans and sociology, others were helping the stammcrew on deck. Dinner was a self-served chicken burger which was appreciated by all. With the euchre tournament reaching its finales and floaties studying for their final tests tomorrow afternoon, the evening was also calm.
Date: Jan 15th, 2024
- Latitude: 8° 30.83 N
- Longitude: 56° 46.53 W
- Average Speed in the last 24hr: 7.2 knt
- Distance travelled in the last 24hr: 126.4 Nm
- Total distance travelled: 6757.3 Nm
- Total distance to destination: 319.7 Nm
- Temperature: 28°C
- Sea State: 2 meters
- Wind: 16.8 knt
- Sailing status: 13 sails
- Log keepers: Mégane, Noa & Rachel