
30423 – 14.02.2023 – Happy Valentines Day!

Yesterday the Alex II was struggling through a storm.  Throughout classes students would be bracing themselves to stay upright – and back shaft struggled with many broken dishes and spilt waters. At snack we celebrated Valentina’s birthday and enjoyed the gummy bear rimmed cake! We had an idle hands at 16:15 and some students (including myself) stayed after to help out and enjoy what felt like a roller coaster of a sail.  At night I was practicing my guitar (really just trying to learn more) and many students and Maritime crew joined in and sang together.  My highlight was finding a song none of us knew and just making up the harmonies! While no one truly slept last night, it was a fun day!



Time: 0800

Longitude: 64 degrees north

Latitude: 31 degrees north

Temperature: 21 degrees Celsius

Average speed in the last 24 hours: 6.3 NM

Distance in the last 24 hours: 152 NM

Total distance this voyage: 8715 NM

Time to destination: 14:30

Sea state: 4

Wind: 5

Sailing status: Under engine

Log keeper: Mila