
30423 – 15.02.2023 – dancing in the dungeon

Yesterday we arrived in Bermuda and woke up to heart-shaped lollipops and rave tickets taped to our cabin rooms. It was Valentine’s Day 🙂 We celebrated with karaoke in the mess and dancing in the dungeon. It was loud, dark and smelt heavily of body odour. We’re looking forward to exploring Bermuda tomorrow.



Time 0800

Longitude 32 degrees N

Latitude 64 degrees

Temperature 15 degrees

Average speed in the last 24 hours: 4.3 knots

Distance in the last 24 hours: 101 nautical miles

Total distance since we got on the ship in Germany: 8555 nautical miles

Distance to destination is 0

Number of sails up is 0

Sea state is 1