
35522 – 04.01.2023 – Sophia’s Daily Update

Sophia’s Daily Update


Yesterday marked one week until the semester break, which means two things. Excitement about the break and lots of nerves about exams coming up very soon. 


The day started with classes like normal, although lots of classes have now become study periods or work periods. These study periods are much appreciated, and when not on watch, or in class, students can be found studying in the mess, in the dungeon, and on deck (if the weather’s nice). Since the last couple of days, it has been raining on and off. 


One thing is for sure, we can hardly wait for exams to be over, and to be enjoying the break. We’re currently heading north because the winds were good. Soon we’re going to turn the ship around and head for Barbados. 



Sophia Angi



Parabéns para você mãe. Feliz aniversario!  Eu mal posso esperar te ver em menos de uma semana.


Date: Wednesday January 4th, 2023

Latitude: 14°02N

Longitude: 59° 01W

Average speed: 7 Knots

Distance travelled in the last 24 hours: 167 NM

Total distance travelled: 6510 NM

Distance to destination: 122 NM

Temperature: 23.5°C

Sea State: F5

Wind: 22 Knots

Sailing Status: 8 sails up

Log keeper: Ani