
30723 – 10.04.2023 – Our voyage has been one of a kind

On the river out front of Bremhaven,

Our tall ship sits with grace and poise.

Our voyage now comes to an end,

Our hearts filled with wonder and joy.


We sailed from Germany cross the sea,

The Atlantic’s waves we did ride.

Then through the Caribbean’s crystal blue,

Our ship was our home and our pride.


We witnessed sunsets and sunrise,

And the ocean’s brilliant gleam.

In colors of the sky and sea,

We saw beauty in each extreme.


We anchored in coves so green,

And saw dolphins playing in waves.

We explored the islands‘ grandeur,

And danced with the locals so brave.


But now it’s time to say goodbye,

And lift the anchor one last time.

We make our final preparations,

To sail into Bremerhaven, sublime.


Before we part, we take a dip,

In the cool waters of the river wide.

Our bodies refreshed, our spirits lifted,

We revel in the joy of the swim call’s glide.


An Easter egg hunt adds to our fun,

As we scour the decks and rigging high.

We find our treasures, one by one,

And share our bounty with a happy sigh.


This morning I climbed the rigging tall,

To watch the sunrise, our final one at sea.

The world below seemed so small,

As we marveled at the colors, wild and free.


For we’ve experienced the beauty of the world,

And the vastness of the sea and sky.

Our voyage has been one of a kind,

And we’ll cherish it until the end of time.


And now we bid farewell to our ship,

Our home that’s brought us far and wide.

We’ll take with us the memories we’ve made,

As we embark on the next adventure, side by side.


Ethan Russell


Date: April 10th, 2023

Latitude: 53° North

Longitude: 8° E

Avg Speed: 0 NM

Distance in the past 24 hours: 169 NM

Distance to Bremerhaven: 16 NM

Temp: 8° C

Sea state: 2

Wind Speed: 18 knots

sails set: 0 (At anchor)