Hello dear parents, with the semester break approaching the students are exited for vacation and relaxation time although sad to say goodbye to their fellow semester one friends. Today was the last day of exams and the students are now done with semester one courses. Exiting news four more floaties achieved ordinary seaman status! Congratulations 🎉
Date: Jan 16h, 2024
- Latitude: 8° 30.83 N
- Longitude: 56° 46.53 W
- Average Speed in the last 24hr: 4.5knt
- Distance travelled in the last 24hr: 126.4 Nm
- Total distance travelled: 6757.3 Nm
- Total distance to destination: 157 Nm
- Temperature: 28°C
- Sea State: 2 meters
- Wind: 15 knt
- Sailing status: 13 sails
- Log keepers: Henry