February 13th 2024
- Latitude: 19.12 degrees North
- Longitude: 69.26 degrees west
- Average speed in the last 24 hours: whatever people walked or taxied on shore leave
- Distance in the last 24 hours: 0
- Total Distance this Voyage: 8091NM
- Temperature: 24 degrees Celsius.
- Sea State: 0
- Wind State: 2
- Sailing Status: still alongside
- Log Keeper: Zoe
Yesterday was our last day of shore leave in Dominican Republic. Floaties either took a short taxi ride to the city of Samana and stocked up on snacks before our sail or stayed on the ship for some much needed rest and relaxation. With an early curfew at 5:30 everyone was calmly on the ship and had an early night as they prepared to start classes and our sail to Santiago de Cuba!