
14.02.2024 – Whales were spotted!

Daily Update:

  • Date: February 14th 2024
  • Time: 8:00am
  • Latitude: 20 degrees north
  • Longitude: 70 degrees west
  • Average speed in the last 24 hours: 5kn
  • Distance in the last 24 hours: 124nm
  • Total distance travelled: 8224nm
  • Total distance to destination: 296nm
  • Temperature: 26 degrees
  • Sea state: 1
  • Wind: 2-3
  • Sailing Status: under engine
  • Log keeper: Luna

WHALES WERE SPOTTED! The humpback whales of the Atlantic are in mating season! Some lucky floaties even witnessed them breach as they frolicked around the ship. We estimate around 20 whales were around us!!!🐳

We set sail today from the colourful island of the Dominican Republic 🇩🇴 and we are heading now towards our final Caribbean stop: Santiago de Cuba 🇨🇺

Events committee made and sold Candy grams, where floaties can have a note and a lollipop heart 🩷🍭 delivered to a special someone on the ship! By doing so, events committee was able to raise money for the year book while also spreading love and the Valentine’s Day spirit 💌💘💝

A special Happy 17th Birthday to Lucas! And a very Happy Valentine’s Day to Alejandra and to all❤️