Yesterday was our second day of sailing in semester 2! The weather was great, so most floaties were up on deck, many spending the day in hammocks. We also had…
Yesterday, we woke up, had a great breakfast, and got prepared to start the day. In the morning, the new floaties had sail training and the rest of us had…
On January 7th, students wrote their pre-calculus, global history, and biology exams. In the evening, students began packing their seabags in preparation for the semester break. Students reported feelings of…
We are currently anchored off the coast of Barbados and in the past few days floaties have been studying and crushing their finals exams. For some lucky floaties, the exams…
Hello!! Yesterday afternoon marked the start of final exams. Students are studying really hard in the mess! Four more sunsets until the end of semester one and being on land…
Yesterday was the day before exams and tensions are rising. Everyone did their final study sessions and reviews as we prepare to anchor in Barbados today. As we approach Barbados,…
Sophia’s Daily Update Yesterday marked one week until the semester break, which means two things. Excitement about the break and lots of nerves about exams coming up very soon. The…
Tagesbericht Heute eine kleine Geschichte aus der Maschine. Wir sind zwei Schwestern, die ihre Arbeit in aller Stille erledigen. Wir haben die Aufgabe, das Frischwasser von den Tanks in den…
Hello to the outside world! Today the exam schedule got released. With that the anticipation of arriving in Barbados continues to rise. There are lots of mixed emotions. People are…