Daily update:
- Time: 8:00am
- Date: March 11th 2024
- Latitude: 37 degrees 46 minutes North
- Longitude: 42 degrees 33 minutes West
- Average speed in the last 24 hours: 7.2kn
- Distance in the last 24 hours: 173nm
- Total distance travelled: 10 872nm
- Distance to destination: 804nm
- Temperature: 17 degrees Celsius
- Sea state: 4
- Wind: 30knots level 6-7
- Sailing status: 6 sails up
- Log keepers: Olivia and Marcus
Yesterday was a day like any other on the Alex-2, with classes and watch as per usual. The howling wind began to die down, but the waves persisted to thrash the boat. The loud creaking, ceaseless rocking, and broken AC leading to a pretty mediocre sleep for most of us. At least we were treated to a delicious yogurt at breakfast, beef and polenta with gravy for dinner, and a chocolate cake to celebrate Kiki’s birthday. Scrumptious! The changing wind had us setting more sails to keep our brisk 7-8 knot pace, and bracing to keep our optimal angle. Early in the morning, the absence of a moon granted those on the night watch great stargazing.