
30624 – Impersonation

Daily update:

  • Time: 8:00am
  • Date: March 14th 2024
  • Temperature: 13 degrees Celsius
  • Latitude: 37 degrees 48 minutes North
  • Longitude: 31 degrees 20 minutes West
  • Average speed in the last 24 hours: 7.3 knots
  • Distance in the last 24 hours: 180nm
  • Distance to destination: 271nm
  • Total distance travelled so far: 11410nm
  • Wind: 5
  • Sea state: 3
  • Sailing status: 10 sails up
  • Log keepers: Ali and Corbyn

Yesterday was the first day of the activities week. The theme of the day was to dress up as someone else. The outfits people wore were really good and funny. And sometimes, you definitely mixed people up, like thinking Justin was Hunter. In the afternoon, we had a parade where everyone tried to impersonate their someone else the best they could. Finally, we finish the day with a movie night. We saw a 40min black and white documentary about a 1929 sail around Cape Horn. It was amazing to see how they would sail about a 100 years ago.