Daily update:
- Date: February 26th 2024
- Time: 8:00am
- Latitude: 28 degrees 26.5 minutes North
- Longitude: 69 degrees 37.2 minutes West
- Distance in the last 24 hours: 133nm
- Distance to destination: 350.5nm
- Total distance travelled: 9274.4nm
- Temperature: 18 degrees Celsius
- Wind state: 3
- Sea State: 2
- Sailing Status: on engine
- Log keeper: Zoë
Today was a good day, students continued to attend regular classes and watches. During the night we had some rainy and windy weather we also lost an hour of sleep because of the time zone change. As a result of the long night students had lots of naps. Overall it was another cookie cutter day on the sail to Bermuda.