Another day, another memory. Yesterday, Jillian recounted the story of the Natura Watch Olympics, aka Deluge Day. She reminded us all that it was then-Watch 2 who emerged as the champions of the games. In other news, the shipboard Movember campaign is only a handful of participants away from reaching its goal. Details to be revealed if the campaign is successful…
Time: 08:00
Date: Dec. 4, 2024
Latitude: 17° 40” 3’ N
Longitude: 024° 16” 6’ W
Average speed in the last 24h: 5.1 knots
Distance in the last 24h: 123 nm
Distance to destination: 61 nm
Total distance traveled: 3746 nm
Temperature: 22°C
Sea state: 5 bft
Wind: 20 knots
Sailing status: sailing
Log keeper: Linnaea