Today we arrived back in Mindelo. After a farewell from Tom and a deep ship clean we were ready to head to shore. 2 boats came and taxied us over. Shore leave consisted of everything from shopping to swimming, and schoolwork to surfing. Ps. In case you were wondering how scrubbing the decks works on the Alex 2, it involves a power washer. And yes more than half of the water gets spayed at other students not the deck. – written by Finn
Daily Update
- December 19, 2023
- Time: 0800
- Latitude: 16.52 N
- Longitude: 25.00 W
- Temperature: 24 degrees C
- Avg speed in last 24 hrs: 0 knots
- Distance in last 24 hrs: 0 nm
- Total distance travelled: 4436.7 nm
- Distance to destination: 1900 nm to Suriname
- Sea state: 2
- Wind speed: 4
- Sailing status: anchor
- Log Keeper: Hennie and Jessica