
14.12.2023 – as day reached 1pm, it was hot like fuel.

On the last day in Praia, the floaties were out and about

Some stayed aboard to relax and chill, others went hunting for WIFI and food.

Collage applications were being written and family and friends were being called.

The morning was busy, nice, and cool

But as day reached 1pm, it was hot like fuel.

On the beaches, people snorkeled and tanned. Oh how I miss the really hot sand.

At 2pm,we all filed back aboard

And classes started at 2:05, sharp as a sword.

The lucky floaties that did not have to study

Showed off their snack hulls and hid their secret Santa goodies.

Lines were uncasted and coiled up

In prep for our next island hop.

The evening was calm as many were tired

So the day was wrapped up with a jolly movie (Christmas with the Cranks).

We are all excited to go back to Mindelo

All in preparation for the long

crossing that will hopefully be mellow.

Written by Ali Stelzl


Date/Time: December 14, 2023, 8:00am

Latitude: 15° 57.98’ N

Longitude: 23° 37.21’ W

Average speed: 3.7NM

Overall Distance traveled: 4287.4NM

Distance to destination: 107.5NM

Distance in last 24 hours: 81NM

Sea State: 3

Temperature: 24°C

Sailing Status: Sailing in 8 sails

Wind: 12 Knots

Log keeper: Francesca