Today was our first full day in Dominica. And it was a marvellous day. My groupe started off by going to the Ti Tou gorge. There, we put on a life jacket and swam in the gorge. It was beautiful. At the end, there was a waterfall and you could let the current take you back. After we switched places with the other group. While they went to the gorge, we went to hike a trail to the traflagor falls. The highest falls in Dominica. 45 min of hiking and doing parkour around the rocks and trees and we finally arrive. We swam in the pool formed beneath the waterfall and even jumped in it. This day was truly magical in terms of nature.
Daily Update
- Time: 800
- Date: feb. 1st, 2024
- Latitude: 15 degrees 34min N
- Longitude: 61 degrees 28min W
- Ave. Speed 24h: 5km/h (walking)
- Distance in the last 24h: 120km Total distance travel in this voyage: 120km
- Total distance to final destination: 0km Temperature: 25C
- Sea state: calm
- Wind: none existant
- Sailing status: in port
- Log keeper is Valerie